Monday, May 6, 2024

Kitten Toy

The kitten has managed to find every toy that we had stashed away in the house. Every ball, jingle, and stuffed mouse that other cats have hidden over the years, the new kitten has found. 

Of these toys, the stuff mice have suffered the most. We'll see a stuffed mouse in his mouth one day, then find the stuffing in one room the next. Sometimes it takes us a while to find the outer layer of the poor toy. 

Today the kitten was hanging around the back screen door, looking forlorn. I wasn't sure what his deal was at first, but I noticed something pink and furry when I put on my shoes. The screen door doesn't close very well, and somehow the kitten had managed to push the body of one of his toy mice outside.

Needless to say, the body is back inside with us now. I have no idea if it will stay in here.

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