Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Hard Day

There are several feral cats in our neighborhood. If anyone could have tamed them, it would be my roommate, but these cats are just too wild to ever really be comfortable around humans. Despite this, we still watched them, did what we could for them, and loved them.

Today one of them died. It really breaks my heart that this happened. I would have given anything to be able to take him inside and protect him, but he wouldn't even come near us, much less let us hold him or bring him in the house.

Still, he was a beautiful kitty. He was orange and had orange eyes. He was tiny and he had a lighter spot on his back. For lack of any other way to name him, I just called him Little Spot. 

So goodbye, Little Spot. You may not realize it, but you were loved. You were noticed and adored. I hope your next life is longer, better, and full of good things. 

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