Sunday, June 26, 2022

Post the Ruling

If you use any kind of menstrual tracking app, tell them to delete your information and then remove the app. If you have any kind of mental health app, do the same. Delete the information, then remove the app. Apps like that are not subject to HIPAA and will give or sell your information to anyone. 

If you miscarry and the police show up, say nothing to them except “I want a lawyer.” Not one word beyond that. Keep yourself calm around them. Be firm but polite. This isn't for them. This is for your protection as they may be called to testify as to their impression of your state of mind. 

That isn't just advice for pro-choice women. I mean that for all women. Your compliance with conservative views will not be a shield. It never has been.  All miscarriages or suspected miscarriages will now be a potential political gain for any DA running on a “sAvE tEh ChIlDrEN” platform. 

If they think they can charge and convict you for some negligence that leads to your miscarriage, they will. Especially if you are poor, non-white, or don't fit in their little boxes of acceptability. 

If you don't want any more children (or want no children), your safest option is tubal ligation. Don't depend on someone's vasectomy. The odds of rape are too high. 

We all know things get complicated with tubals. In some cases they want you to be over a certain age or have had a certain number of children already. In some places they disturbingly want you to have a man's permission. You may have to go through several options before you find someone who will do it. It's better than the alternatives.

If they try to talk you out of it by telling you that you might change your mind about wanting children, remind them that you can always adopt. The Gilead states are going to be overflowing with unwanted children. 

If you do want children or want more children, even if you are pro-life, it's best to move out of a Gilead state if you can. It improves your odds of living through a complicated pregnancy. It improves your chances of living and avoiding any kind of prison time if you miscarry. 

Until you are in a safer situation, don't have unprotected sex. If the person you are with balks at the idea of a condom, don't have sex with them at all. Anyone who would risk your future and your life for their own spoiled pleasure and ideals shouldn't be fucked. 

If you are in a situation where you are unable to make decisions for yourself about when you have sex or if you feel you aren't safe in your home, call 800-799-7233. 

You deserve to be safe. 

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