Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sleep Study

 Last night was my first night with the sleep study stuff on. It was awkward as hell, but I managed. I'm not good with tangly wires so of course within seconds everything was tangled and a mess. I sorted it out, somewhat, but I had to be so careful. It's all very delicate. 

The worst part is the face monitor. The straps aren't quite as long as they need to be and it kept undoing on me. I'm not sure how that's gonna work tonight when I try to do it with my mask on. I guess we'll see. 

The finger monitor was fine but it kept putting my finger to sleep. I endured it as best I could. For the most part, it was the most straightforward bit because its wires are thicker and I didn't have to worry about it as much.

The part I was most concerned with was the chest monitor but it proved to not be a problem. I was worried it wouldn't fit but there was plenty of room, more room than I thought there would be, and certainly more than I needed. So the only issue I had with that was that my wire was a bit delicate. I just had to watch it.

The worst part was the bright ass green light. It is seriously bright! I had to do my best to just ignore it. I won't say that I slept WELL, but I did sleep some. Around 6AM, I went to the bathroom and pulled all the stuff off of me. That was enough for the reading so I just switched back to my pap and did my best to sleep for the next few hours. Overall, not as bad of a night as I anticipated.

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