Sunday, November 6, 2022


I finished my editing about 20 minutes ago. I did my work for therapy this week. I mailed my ballot in several weeks ago. In short, I've done what I can to be prepared if these midterm elections put a bunch of conservatives in power.

I would also like to point out that it pisses me off that I have to take steps like this. If our country was sane and reasonable, I wouldn't have to do any of this. Outside of the president and a couple of key members of congress, I shouldn't HAVE to know the names of these people. I shouldn't have to worry about how they may wreck my life or what stupid crap they may say. 

If things were decent and reasonable, we would not elect people who would dream of wrecking the lives of others or saying horrible, evil things about citizens of their own country. If they wanted to change things and truly believed in those changes, they would take steps to ensure that their changes didn't cause harm. They would do the work, the actual work needed to make sure people didn't suffer. 

Unfortunately, that isn't the country I live in. It should be. It's not unreasonable that it COULD be. But it isn't, and that makes me very tired.

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