Friday, June 26, 2020

The Process

I thought I'd finished my latest video last night, but when I woke up this morning, I knew I needed to add some stuff. The video is typed Winter Chaos and I knew I couldn't leave Winter Fest out and add it to another video. It wouldn't have made sense.

Once I added my Winter Fest stuff, the video was over 35 minutes long. I wasn't happy about THAT either. Videos of that length tend to not get watched all the way through and my major plot twist happens at the end.

I didn't want to redo audio, and I knew I was going to have to if I split it into two videos. I mean, I really did not want to redo audio so that option was out. I also didn't want to just edit out chunks of the video because some of it just wouldn't make sense.

My roommate told me I should just leave it and I'd basically talked myself into that, except.....well, for some reason, my editing program decided it didn't want to edit the whole thing together. I took that as a sign and considered other options.

Finally it dawned on me that I could speed through my two largest sections! I cut two sections well over 7 minutes each down to less than 30 seconds. Neither really required narrative (not really) and both worked better at speed. You still get to see my process without being bored in the meantime.....hopefully.

I recut the other bits and moved a segment, but honestly, I think the flow is far better now. We still get the full story of Byron's winter without the whole thing lagging in the middle. Problem solved.

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