Thursday, September 15, 2022

Blocking the Paths

I wonder why it is that when people find a path out of their own discomfort, others always want to do everything they can to stop them. 

When someone finds a way to make peace with their poverty by enjoying the art produced by people who will sell it at a price they can afford, others disparage the art (entertainment, enjoyment) as less that or, if they decide they like it as well, try to find ways to raise the price of it to where it's out of reach of the poor.

Why is it that now that people are finding ways to pull themselves free of the social and biological chains connected to sex (which, mind you, none of us asked for or chose or had any say in), others are so quick, in some cases violently so, to try and stop them? 

If your path in life is basically okay if your body is to your liking and the expectations of it to your liking, why are you so angry when others just don't want that?  Why are you angry when other people choose to be childfree or marriagefree or genderfree? Why are you so angry when someone just wants to find a path to happiness? 

Let people be. Honestly, in most cases all you have to do is nothing.

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