Monday, March 13, 2023

As the Saying Goes

Certain conservative lawmakers are floating the idea of giving women the death penalty if they have abortions. This, of course, is not a measure to make the lives of anyone easier. If they cared about that, they would make the changes needed to encourage more people to give birth (higher wages, better daycare, better medical access, lower cost of living, affordable housing, etc). No, this is about punishing people. All they want to do is punish people.

I am not at risk for pregnancy anymore. Thank fuck. But I did consider how I would feel about this if it was still a possibility. Quite quickly, I knew my opinion on the matter.


Fine. Kill me. If my choices are either being forced to give birth to a child with my horrible genetics, lack of resources, and chance for mental illness into a world where things are worse and more restrictive and limited every day OR I spare someone all of that pain and I get killed for my efforts, then fine. I choose the death penalty. 

I would refuse, and I hope others will refuse, to capitulate to the oppressive fuckers. I would refuse to bring a child into a world where extremists are trying to turn my country into a merciless theocracy. If my choices are to be your broodmare or face a firing squad, load your guns.

As the saying goes, give me liberty or give me death. I'm not going to be your slave. 

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