Saturday, March 4, 2023

Rough Saturday

I was cold today and my stomach never quite settled. I've been listening to a story, but stopped it about a 1/3 of the way to the end because I found I just couldn't handle any kind of conflict for a while. That's always a pretty clear sign my anxiety is acting up. 

But honestly, why wouldn't it be? It feels like everything I love and adore is under attack. When things start sliding into authoritarianism and conservativism, my only consolation is that I'm almost 50 and I'll die soon and not have to live in this backsliding, regressive hellscape. 

This won't make things better. This kind of stuff only makes people miserable. We were just starting to pull people out of perpetual misery but now these assholes want to drag us back down into it. It's so annoying. Some of us want more for our lives than to be breeders who breed more breeders who breed more breeders. 

I feel for everyone else. I really do. I can't be pulled into this nasty little cycle, but it sucks for everyone else who wanted to just live a happy, solo life. Hopefully, something will switch around so people can be safe again. 

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