Saturday, October 6, 2018

Goodbye Chair

I'm one of those people who emotionally invests in objects. I don't know why. Things have meaning to me. This whole process of changing chairs was stressful. It cost money and it had to be handled by my roommate. I'm thankful he did it, but I also feel bad that he had to. I feel like a burden, though I guess that is something to unpack another time.

I've had this chair as my primary sitting chair since I moved into Gran's house. This chair has been with me through a lot of things. This chair held me when I was recovering from surgeries. This chair was my shelter when I would feel frightened. It witnessed my anger. It was part of my dancing (possibly helped lead to the chair's end).  This is where I ate my meals, laughed with friends, created things.

Now the chair is broken and will go away. Part of me feels horrible about that, like I'm betraying the chair. I could honestly cry about it, though I know there's no choice here. It's broken. It can't be kept.

So, goodbye chair. You held me faithfully for many years. Thank you for seeing me through so much. Thank you for all you gave to me. Thank you for helping me. You will be missed and remembered.

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