Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First Holiday Meh Post of the Season

I am already sick of holiday commercials. Not the ones that talk about the holiday itself, but all the ones that are trying to get you to buy stuff. There seems to be this kind of expectation for people to buy, not a desperation, more like a kind of nagging entitlement that everyone should go out and spend all their money on gifts. If you don't, you're not showing your love. It's so annoying.

The gifts they're pushing seem to be more expensive this year too. Dyson put out a kit for hair. It's called the Dyson Airwrap and it does a lot of stuff. It dries your hair, straightens it, gives it amazing curls, and makes it look amazing, all with air instead of heat. It's supposed to be great. It's also like eight hundred dollars. New hair gadgets are a staple of holiday shopping but that is a LOT of money to spend on something to keep your hair looking cute when you can get a blowdryer and a flat iron for 40$.

This is nothing compared to the Brava Smart Oven. I saw a commercial for it and got curious about what it could do. I'm all for the concept of unconventional kitchens and it seemed to check a lot of boxes. From what I've read, it really does. The Brava uses light tech to cook food and is supposed to do it in a very perfected way to where the meals turn out amazing and you don't have to keep checking on them. The oven knows what to do.

It costs around a thousand for the oven and then another 250$ or so for the equipment to put in it. BUT that isn't even the kicker with this machine. While you can put anything you buy grocery-wise into it, it's recommended that you use their food delivery service. They'll send you products cut and curated especially for the oven at about 15-30$ per serving. In other words, you get the machine and then start a subscription to a food service. It's kind of like when VCRs first came out and all the tapes for them were really expensive.

Who has the money for this? Who has the money for this who isn't already employing someone to cook for them or is so into their own cooking that they have a great kitchen/food setup and would never do this kind of thing anyway? Who would buy this?

Uhhh. Anyway, I actually did the adult thing I talked about doing and bought dental insurance. It isn't horribly expensive but I'll need to make sure I keep some extra money back every month to pay for it. Darn,  that means I won't be getting those two servings of a Brava meal.

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