Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Hat Completed

The third attempt at this hat is finished. The first one was way too big. The second one is just a little too loose. This one is still by no means snug, but it fits the best of the three. I also did it in a lighter yarn, so it isn't heavy on my head. Warm but not heavy is important, especially when you're prone to hot flashes.

It isn't perfect. I still have some places where I had to mend things to make it look presentable, but for the most part, it is exactly what I need for the winter.

This journey began with me wondering if I could construct a knitted hat from the top down the way I would crochet one. The answer is not only yes but it's basically the same idea. In fact, because this made so much more sense to me, I was able to realize I could do it from the bottom up if I needed to because I understand decreasing now.

Overall, this was a good exploration for me.

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