Friday, November 16, 2018

Observations instead of Complaining

There is nothing quite like the look of desire in a cat's face when you're knitting with fascinating sticks and fascinating yarn and you just won't let the cat have any of it. I guess it's more of a combo of desire and trying to guilt the human into giving her things.

My holiday shopping is completed, much thanks to my roommate who did the footwork on it. I am very happy this is all finalized and ready. No last minute panic for me. Yay!

I talked to my sister-in-law tonight about holiday plans. She invited me to go along with them to her brother's house for Thanksgiving but said she wasn't sure if they would be visiting the Dunns anymore on Thanksgiving. My grandfather was really the glue that held that side of the family together. Neither my father nor my aunt really has a house big enough to handle all of us. My brother's house is big enough to host, as is my cousin's, but my cousin's husband and my sister-in-law basically hate each other so I don't know that either of those options will ever work for anyone. Holidays as a family group may be over.

That's weird to think about. I've been doing Christmas Eve with my Dad's family since I was a baby. I realize these things don't last forever. It's an odd thing to lose it. Maybe it will only be for this year, but somehow I doubt that.

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