Saturday, July 6, 2019


When my grandmother died, my uncle and my aunt were here to be with her during her last days. The three of us got very close, despite some rocky past history and many differences in our ideals. When they went back home, I felt very close to them and secure about that.

Over the years, their views have gotten more extreme. I tried to debate with them for a while, but eventually just had to block them because it was all so illogical and toxic. It's to the point now where their kids often are the ones arguing with them about things, but they never listen. The last couple of times I've seen my uncle, he seemed distant. When I've called him, I've felt less warmth.

My cousin often posts cute little things her toddler says to her. Tonight she did that and my aunt's comments back basically sucked all the life and joy out of it.

This had nothing to do with me. The comments were in no way directed at me and I'm sure I wasn't even in anyone's thoughts when they were made. And yet, reading them, I felt a kind of real sadness about the whole thing. It seems like they can't react to anything without judgment and political agenda.

And yes, I know everyone does this to an extent. People make a lot of personal decisions based on politics. I get that. At the same time, it hurts to watch people you love lose more and more of themselves to where they can only respond with rhetoric. It's sad and more than a little frightening to wonder what all they will sacrifice.

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