Sunday, August 16, 2020


 I have a relative who broke a hip. I've been keeping up with what's happening via other family members, but last night the person in question sent me a PM on Facebook asking me to check out their personal page for more information. 

When I went to their page, all they said was they were in the hospital and then some propagandized political stuff. I

I looked at this person's page and all I saw was political stuff. Nothing about family or pets or friends or activities or hobbies or anything that makes a person a PERSON. Just political stuff. And not just a little bit of it. Tons. Post after post after post. 

I think it's time we recognized political obsession as an addiction. I think it's time we started to face how much it's ruining people's lives, how hallow and empty it's making them. I think it's time we explained to them and accepted that focusing on politics to that level creates chemical rushes in the brain that people can become dependent on. I think it's time we get people some help so they can go back to being normal people instead of little hate machines because this is really disturbing and it's destroying lives. 

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