Wednesday, September 16, 2020

2020 Voting

 I know there is a lot of discussion about absentee voting, but for many people (myself included), it was a needed thing this year. Oklahoma actually made it easier on people, given the pandemic and all. I sent for my ballot and received it the other day. It has layers, kind of like a turducken!

There is the actual ballot, which you fill out as you do. It was very very strange to see KANYE'S name on my ballot, let me tell you. I did not vote for him. 

Once you finish voting, you put that in an envelope and seal it. Then you have the verification layer. Oklahoma allows you to just sign, date, and provide a copy of your ID to this part. You put your ballow envelope inside that envelope and then put the verification envelope into the outer envelope. Then you can send it off. 

So see, there are steps to this. It isn't just like people can send in slips of paper with the name of someone vague scribbled on it and that count as a vote. There is a process, one you have to check over several times to make sure you included everything in the proper sequence. 

One way or the other, my vote has been sent off to be counted. 

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