Saturday, September 12, 2020

Things I Can't Understand

I can't understand why even when I have good intentions to sleep the full 8 hours, my brain just refuses to let that happen. Honestly, you would think my brain, of all things, would understand why I need the sleep. But nope. It keeps me awake with paranoia.

I can't understand why people in my neighborhood are obsessed with noise. Not a day goes by (rain, shine, snow, storms, it doesn't matter) when all of them seem to be in a contest to see who can make the most noise. Bonus points if you start as early as possible. 

I can't understand why the cat insists on standing in front of my screen in the exact moment when I need to see my screen. The rest of the time, she's content to just lay in front of it. Give me a moment when I really need to see something and she's standing and moving around in ways that prevent me from accomplishing anything.

There are a lot of other things that baffle me as well, but those three are the tops for the morning.

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