Friday, March 12, 2021


We've not had Wendy's in a long while so today we decided to go through the drive-thru and sit in the parking lot to eat. This parking lot backs up to a large wooden fence with some trees on the other side of it. It's nice and shadey. 

It is also home to the Showsquirrel. The Showsquirrel was probably, at some point, a normal squirrel. Since Covid, Showsquirrel has a job. It basically does little bounces and dances and darts over the fence and collects donations from all the people who now eat in their cars (and watch the squirrel). 

When the squirrel is not dancing for meals, it is chasing away birds (the competition) so they don't eat its fries and other assorted goodies. 

I have never seen a squirrel look so glossy, happy, or fat.

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