Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Favorite

So which is my favorite of Feanor's sons? Which of the blood-soaked Oath Swearing Doomed Noldor idiot princes is the one I love the most? (We all know Feanor would say Curufin.) Also, I'm just using their Sindar names because it's the more common and what they accepted as theirs in the end. 


He's my favorite because he has the best Rescue the Princess story in the world. He's my favorite because he has the most tragic friendship/love story (depending on how you look at it) in the world. He's my favorite because the closest he came to redemption was raising Fingon's twice removed nephews as if they were his own children. He's my favorite because he knew what his father asked of them was impossible, that he was trapped, and still he continued on until finally killing himself. 


Maglor is my favorite because it's so clear he didn't want to be part of this. Maglor was just bloody awful at being High King. Maglor barely held his lands. Maglor probably spent his off time composing war battles to keep his people alive because he knew it was the best he could do. Maglor composed a lament for all the shit he and his brothers had done and would sing it before they took to the battlefield.

Maglor would desperately write letters to Luthien's family and beg them to give the Simaril back and then weep when they refused. Probably the only truly happy time of his life was raising Elrond and Elros with Mae. In the end, he tossed his Simaril into the sea and wandered the shoreline, singing his sadness. 


Celegorm is my favorite because even though they claim otherwise, I'm pretty sure his Sindar name translates to 'silver-haired asshole' because we all know 'cele' means silver, and the rest is his damned personality. Celegorm kept them alive because he was the best hunter. He was so favorited by the God of the Hunt that he was gifted with a special magical hunting hound. He was then such an asshole that the dog left him. 

Celegorm is my favorite because he's the most gungho, non-elf-acting elf. He's just awful through most of it, yet still loyal to the people he loved, in his own asshole way.


First of all, he's my favorite because I think he hated all of them. Caranthir was the only one who managed to be constructive and make a decent life for his people (until he couldn't). Caranthir was angry most of the time and practical and probably angry because he was practical. I also love him because I ship the hell out of him and the human woman Haleth (who refused to become his vessel) and headcanon that they had a kid anyway. She may not have told him.

I also love him because he tends to be the most ignored. He's not Oldest One, Music One, Prettiest One, Favorite One, or Twins. He's a bitter Jan. It's awesome. 


Curufin is my favorite because how can you NOT like the disdainful Daddy's Favorite. It's pretty clear that he's the one who hated that Mae gave away the throne the most. I love that he tried to manipulate Finrod and eventually lost his chance to stay in that kingdom because he was such an asshole. I love him because he was so awful his kid left him.

Oh. And also. I love Curufin because he fathered Celebrimbor and without Celebrimbor, we would have no Rings of Power. (Or Silverfisting)

The Ambarussa

I'm keeping Amrod and Amras together because Twins should be. They're my favorite because they were the most neglected in all of this. In some versions of the story, Feanor was so neglectful of them that he let one of them die at Losgar because he was too much of an insane dick to check the boats he was setting on fire. One dead twin, one twin who loses his mind and mostly just runs wild after that.

In other versions, they live, but they're rather feral. They'll show up at the battles and the kinslayings, but that's about it. In this version, they die together in the 3rd Kingslaying when Elrond and Elros are adopted by Mae and Maglor, kind of as a way to replace the twins. I love the twins because they're just random shadows in the story, in the family. Their mother only gave them one name. When Feanor insisted she give them separate names, they still called each other by the first name and nothing else. 

So yes. My favorite is all of them. They're all a massive trainwreck of messiness. Glorious. 

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