Saturday, May 8, 2021

Going Too Far

I have a deeply dark sense of humor. It's one of the ways I've managed to cope with life. The years have not tempered it, though wisdom has tempered my awareness of the audience.  

Most of the time. Sometimes I still say things too dark even for those closest to me. It's something I've had to learn to balance. 

I, personally, think it IS important to balance. I don't feel censored when I refrain from unleashing my humor on the world. I certainly don't feel offended if someone is offended by what I say. I think the reason for this is because I KNOW my humor is dark and not for everyone. I also believe most people, over a certain age, also understand this about humor, but choose to ignore it. 

The thing is IF you choose to send out that biting joke, do so knowing it might not be well-received. You knew what you said. You knew the weight of it. And if you don't understand the weight of a joke, don't say it. 

After all, the point of dark humor is never to communicate 'oh look, I'm funny' and that be all there is to it. The point of dark humor is to communicate 'I know what I'm saying is rotted, but it's an acknowledgment of life being even more so and this is how I cope with that.' Some people don't cope that way. 

I mean, some people eat salted black licorice, and if that makes them happy, awesome. It is not to my taste and never will be. I don't think anyone will be mad if I tell them that and I don't think I should be angry at them for eating it or even inviting me to eat it as well. Just accept the no.

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