Monday, January 3, 2022

Jan Third

A YouTuber that I follow recently talked about being trolled and bullied online. She talked about how she knew a lot of people didn't discuss these things because it put them in a position of being vulnerable. Sometimes it would even invite more of the same problems. 

However, she wanted to address the situation because she knows it's something a lot of people face. Sometimes people can feel very alone in situations like this. 

Her video was very good and she made some excellent points. One point, however, really stood out to me.

She talked about how people who hate you NEVER wish you well. They may say things that SOUND like advice while they are bullying you, but don't take what they say seriously. They aren't saying anything that is in your best interest. All they are saying is that they hate you/what you are doing/what you represent/what you are changing and they want it to end. And once they hate you, there isn't anything you can really do to make them stop hating you. It's best to just ignore them and keep doing what you feel is best. 

This reminds me of something once said on Pretty Little Liars. I don't remember the quote exactly, but basically, it was "They don't want you to change. They just want you to go away."

It's an important thing for me to remember when it comes to any changes I try to make in my physical health. The world wants me to NOT be fat, but it isn't like I would be any more accepted if I wasn't. Getting healthy will always have to be on my terms because even once I have my health in order, there are still a million ways in which I'm at odds with the Typicals. 

It does sadden and annoy me that this woman is getting hate for her channel. It's honestly the sweetest and most peaceful channel out there. Then again, that's the kind of thing people usually want to destroy. 

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