Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Still Icy

It's epically bad out there. We heard almost no cars today, which is good honestly because people do not need to be out in that. 

It's supposed to get better. Hopefully, it will be melted off by Friday, if not, things will be put on hold until it is. Snow is one thing. Ice is a whole other situation. 

Sometimes I don't think people understand the impracticality of people like me (very fat, lots of mobility issues) going out in weather like this. If I fall or end up in a ditch, it isn't as simple as me just getting back up. It's hard for me to get back up in good weather. On the ice, it would be almost impossible. It would be terrifying, and humiliating. Depending on how long it took help to get there and how badly I fell, it could be potentially dangerous.

If I break a bone, it isn't like I can just use crutches until it heals. It takes all I have to balance as it is. Even breaking a wrist would cause a lot of issues because I have to brace myself as I walk, as I sit down, and as I stand up. 

Next week it's supposed to warm up. I'm happy about that. Winter has done its thing. Now it can kindly fuck off and let us live our lives in peace. 

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