Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Beyond My Control

As I wrote about last night, things got difficult. I was having some issues with my body, the van needed fixing, I got some news about my insurance that I did not like, oh AND then later that night, the internet went out and there were some surprise issues with that as well.

Today involved phone calls and trips to the mechanic and in one case, my roommate going to actually talk with the pharmacy. In the wake of all of it, this is what I realized.

So . . . the internet issue was with billing. They stopped accepting automated payment but failed to inform their customers. Turns out that basically everyone owes them two months' worth of payment right now and everyone is freaking out. They did not say anything. They are at fault. I did what I could about the situation. Nothing else I can do.

The van's issue was just one of those things that happen with older vehicles. I did what I could. Nothing else I can do.

The pharmacy thing was muddled. When I called my insurance company, they told me the pharmacy was shutting down. I was NOT happy about this. Later when we talked to them, they said they were NOT shutting down and that the insurance company was giving them issues and to wait for a bit and see if it could be resolved. So, okay. Cool. I did what I could. Nothing else I can do, but wait.

As for my stomach issues....there were some things I ate and drank that could have contributed to that, things that I normally do not have. I think it's best to take that into consideration and avoid those items or at least avoid them during the time when I had them. We shall see if that will make a difference. So, in this case, I CAN do more and will.

Overall, I somewhat feel better about the situaton.

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