Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Vicious Cycle

The dryer is fixed. It cost over 100$, but at least it was fixable. This means less drama about the whole situation. It was just one of a billion things that need to be fixed in this house. I literally fantasize about the house being fixed. The problem is, no money and no energy are available for these fixes so things just continue to decay until they break. That is the hell of being poor and disabled.

I mean, you basically just hope you die before anything major happens. It's kind of like how a lot of poor people hope they die before they reach an age where they're too messed up to work anymore. People want to know why we have an opioid crisis? This. People are despairing. The drugs make them forget the pain. A lot of people also hope the drugs kill them before anything else awful happens. It's a nasty cycle of despair.

Wow, I'm depressing tonight. I shouldn't be. The dryer is working. I had the money to pay the bill for it. I can have dry clothes again. I'm thankful for all of that.

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