Monday, July 13, 2020

Strange Days

It's strange to read about teachers considering quitting their profession because people don't care if they die.

It's strange to read about a debate where kids may go to school online all year.

It's strange to not have seen my best friend in months. I miss her so much. I miss her kids. I miss her laugh.

It's strange to have a place in my car where we store the disposable masks.

It's strange to discuss birthday plans, months in advance, knowing they will more than likely take place at home.

It's strange to watch the world unraveling around you, and know that it's serious this time.

It's strange to be comforted by the number of people you see wearing masks as they go into the store. More masks every day, ya'll!

It's strange to know that in February, everything seemed normal.

Most of the time when people talk about the world changing, it may have long-lasting effects, but the stuff happening in the NOW seems the same. That isn't the case this time. It may never be the case again.

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