Sunday, July 3, 2022

Freedom Woo

People are popping fireworks all over the place tonight and it's really annoying. Then again, who am I to complain about what someone does to keep themselves sane in These Times?

I don't feel much like celebrating freedom this year. Not when people are trying to take it away. The only good thing I've heard is that people are starting to move out of the post-christofacist states to protect their womb-having children and themselves. It takes a lot of money to move out of state, but at least some people are going to get out of the hellzones.

I'm really disappointed in Biden because he hasn't addressed this in a meaningful way. I know he doesn't want to set an example of 'Supreme Court does Thing and the President Finds Way Around Thing' because that could be used by GOP people in the future. 

Still, at the very least he could give a speech and talk about how this is wrong and should be overturned and something needs to be done. He could propose stopgap measures to keep people from dying of ectopic pregnancies and being persecuted for their miscarriages. Something. 

Anyway, I don't know how this will get solved, but it needs to be. My suggestion of mandatory spay and neutering never seems to go well. 

Happy 4th.

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