Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Collective Block

A lot of people I know are having trouble writing right now. For several years, I've known people who made pocket money with decent side hustles writing articles for this and that.  It was never anything they could quit their day jobs over, but it was enough to make things better (and pay off student loans, stretch out food til payday, etc).

But lately, almost all of them are having trouble meeting their deadlines. It isn't about them getting lazy or less organized. In some cases, they've tried everything they could to get MORE organized about things. It's just, well, they're too stressed to be creative.

It's like, for a lot of people, things are so emotionally and mentally bad right now, the idea of trying to write just feels impossible. What used to be joy has become grinding and miserable. One friend told me that every sentence she writes feels forced and wrong.

This is really troubling to me. The world being creative is important. We, as a species, being creative, is important. We need that and right now it's like something is sucking the life out of all of us.

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