Monday, May 20, 2019

GoT Ending Reflections

GoT spoiler comments.


The devastated walk of everyone to the castle at the beginning. No one spoke. It was just too much to take in.

Tyrion's grief over his siblings' death and subsequent quitting as Dany's hand.

Sansa telling Edmure to sit the hell down and shut the hell up.

Sansa gaining independence for the North.

Brienne finishing out Jaime's chapter in the Book of Kings Guard Stuff.

Davos gets to be on the Small Council.

Jon finally getting to do the one thing that actually truly made him happy. He went to live with the free folk and hang with Ghost.


Dany's ending. I guess with what they did with the character, she had to die. But after this, can we please retire the trope of 'woman with power goes mad with power gets killed by her lover?' So sick of that.

Jon: It bad I am be girlfriend killer?
Girlfriend killer Tyrion: I mean, no, not really.

And yes, Dany's always been Alexander the Great (good at conquest, bad at ruling, rides scary beast) and yes, Alexander DID go ragemad after Hephaestion died and slaughter a bunch of people, but I would have rather Dany ended cold and calculating (I destroyed this city to show the other cities what will happen to them) and then killed by I mean, anyone else besides her lover. Predictable and boring.


Bran being king. Actually, I'm even suspicious of this. I mean, he KNEW Dany was going to destroy the city and said nothing about it so she would die and everything falls down to HIM being king? Hinky.

Greyworm's behavior about everything.

Why did Sam become a Maester when he had a child on the way?


Sweetrobin lived!

True winner of the Game of Thrones: Hoster Tully. His son rules the Riverlands. He has a grandson ruling the Vale, a grandson on the Iron Throne, and a granddaughter ruling the North.

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