Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I Suppose It should be like This


While I love the craftsmanship of the artists who work on the show, I've not really liked the writing direction taken by the last several seasons of Game of Thrones. It is what it is though, and as it will be ending this week, I suppose this is how I would like it to end.

Dany announces to everyone left that she destroyed King's Landing because her family's throne and their city had poisoned Westeros. She says she will be leaving and the Seven Kingdoms should just rule themselves. She then returns to Essos with her armies. She flies the Unsullied where ever they wish to be, including dropping Greyworm off in Naath.

Jon doesn't want to rule anything so he leaves the North to Sansa. He takes Bran past the Wall with him so they can live up there. He finds Ghost and actually treats him well.

Arya decides she WILL marry Gendry, but plans to really challenge what a woman's role is in this society while doing so. They rule the Storm Lands.

Robin Arryn, who has somehow survived all of this, keeps the Eyrie. Without his mother and Littlefinger to cause problems, he realizes he is a brat and needs help. He marries Meera Reed and she basically keeps the kingdom going.

Edmure somehow doesn't ruin ruling the Riverlands.

Samwell Tarly becomes King of Highgarden, much to his bewilderment and Gilly's amusement. Her firstborn son, a wildling incest bastard, becomes his heir.

Whatever unnamed kid that is who took Dorne stays in Dorne and doesn't cause problems.

Tyrion takes the Westerlands. His heir ends up being the child Brienne gives birth to nine months after the night Jaime left her. Brienne goes on to have a happy life full of honor and adventure.

Sansa never marries, but she does take lovers on occasion. Her heir is the child Dany returns to Westeros to have after leaving. When Dany has the baby, like many Targ women, she dies, but our last scene with her fulfills the witch's prophecy and she sees Khal Drogo again.

I mean, that's all very tropey and what have you, but at least it's a decent level of an ending with a bit of hope for the future. 

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