Monday, November 25, 2019

Porch Cats

In the last few months, we've acquired some porch cats again. As you know, I get really antsy about outdoor kitties. It's so dangerous for them. However, when they've been raised outside and don't trust humans, you can't just waltz them into the house. It's a process. Besides, we have a problem. We have Millie.

Millie is our most recent addition to the house. She was an abandoned kitty that my roommate got to trust him enough so that he could rescue her into the house. You would think this would give her a sense of sympathy for the outdoor cats we have now.


She hates them so much. She growls and hisses whenever she sees them. She's even shot out the door a couple of times to chase them off. She is really angry about the idea of other cats. I think this reflects poorly on her character,

Anyway, to tease her, we have made up a story that all the outdoor cats are her children. We even gave them variations of her name. The two gray ones are Milton and Millison. The two black ones are Milhouse and Millsberry.

I think she hates them even more now.

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