Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What She Did

So I have a FB friend who is a prepper. He isn't crazy so much as just concerned about the world and what might happen if things go sideways. Over the years, he's posted a lot about various skills he's taught himself so if something dire happens, he'll be able to survive.

Last night he posted someone's Tweet about how preppers need to either include people in their groups who know how to sew, weave, and do yarn crafts, or they need to learn to do it themselves. He admitted it wasn't even something he'd considered.

I'm not surprised by this. These skills tended to be mostly done by women and people tended to discount women's roles in keeping everyone alive. I tossed him some 'how to' links over this stuff and refrained from making snide comments. At least he admitted his error.

Still, it gets frustrating. A lot of men like to talk about how they constructed our society, all the while forgetting that women weren't, in most cases, even allowed to do the same kind of jobs they could do. Not only that, they forget about the women (and other men) who were doing all the rest of the work that kept those men with the free time to do all that writing and creating and building.

Hopefully that will change.

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