Sunday, December 19, 2021

Still Not an Analogy

I decided to try the hat prep again last night. I didn't try with the ruined chaos mess of yarn because that was beyond repair. I salvaged everything I could from that and tossed the rest in the trash.

I had another twisted hank that I needed to unravel and turn into a ball. I watched some videos over it but it seemed to be missing the steps I needed to understand how to keep it from just becoming this massive knotmess. When I examined the problem myself, I realized the whole thing unraveled in a way counter-intuitive to how I think AND the trick was to never let it leave loop shape. 

I have an old empty picture frame that I hung it over and used that as a way to keep everything in the same shape, then I just went slowly in my unraveling process and let it go where it needed to go. Occasionally I would smooth everything back out, but for the most part, the keys seemed to be keeping the loop open and going slowly. I'm sure that isn't the case for everyone, but it certainly was for me. 

So in the end, I have a ball of yarn that at no point became a massive mound of chaos. The process took a long time, but it happened. It may not be the BEST solution, but it's A solution. I can live with that.

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