Saturday, February 18, 2023

Claim Your Humanity

This is the thing I hate most about binary gender norms.  It's dehumanizing. 

Hear me out.

Because we focus so hard on gender and everyone filling a certain ROLE within gender, usually a very restrictive role, we ignore the fact that basically everything we assign to one gender or the other is, in actually, something that EVERY HUMAN can do.

It isn't masculine to grow body hair. Any human is just as likely to have body hair as any other human. The differences in the amount usually have more to do with genetics and not with gender. 

Caring for children is not a gender thing. Any human is capable of that. Defending yourself or others is not a gender thing. Any human can do this. Any human can be successful at these things.

Anger is not a more masc emotion. Sadness is not a more femme emotion. All humans are capable of both and the idea of one being acceptable to one gender and not the other is just social conditioning. It's all lies and manipulation.

We are human first. We are human before all of the rest of this. When someone says stupid things like 'women don't poop' or 'women can't fart' or 'men are failing if they feel vulnerable' it isn't just ignorant, it's dehumanizing.

People are entitled to the fullness of the human experience. Stop prioritizing cultural bullshit over that.

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