Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Bluesday.

I was actually productive today!  I went to therapy and paid rent, stopped by the mailbox place and then thought about having my hair cut.  I decided against the hair cuttage, because I'm somewhat in pain and wanted to just veg out and watch Drag Race. After that, the rest of the bills were paid, I cleaned the dishwasher and folded every towel in the universe.*

I tried my best to ignore the political stuff going on today.  Politics in this country have started to really annoy me, and with good reason. I think we're electing the wrong people and even letting the wrong people run. It seems like everyone is far more concerned about their agenda than they are the big picture. I find that disheartening.

I would love to say I wish better people would run, and, really, I do. However, the political machine and it's various parasites have made that a very unrewarding prospect.  Politicians get put through a grinder and transformed into something experts believe to be electable. I'm not even sure how much of them is left at the end of that. I'm not sure what the message is, but what most of them present is something of a caricature of some archetype of their specific party.

In other words, it's been a personally productive and successful day, tainted only by the apathy of politics. I'll be really happy when the election is over and the level of crazy in the air can die down.

*Possible exaggeration.

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