Thursday, March 1, 2012

To Rush, with Love

Dear Mr. Limbaugh,

I try my best, as any rational person does, to ignore you.  However, on hearing of your recent request to have videos of all the womens who will receive assistance with their birth control bills having sex, I thought I should ask some questions.

I don't currently get birth control pills because of other health issues. When those issues are handled, I should get on the pill because I have PCOS. Birth control pills are used to help in managing the various issues caused by PCOS and are a standard treatment for it.  Like many women who suffer with this condition, it will probably improve my life a lot.

Of course, this means I will fall into your little group of the many women out there you are now paying to have sex, as you see it. And you'll be wanting a video. This is a completely reasonable and logical request, with no sexism or proof that you are a horrible bitter old sack of rat guts at all. In fact, like the millions of other women out there who are now to send you videos, I'm quite happy to do so.

The problem is, I don't have sex with other people. I don't care what others do, but it's not something I want to happen in my life. It's not for religious reasons. I'm not waiting until marriage, because I certainly don't want to get married. I guess I'm selfish and don't like to share my toy.

I'm sure you see my dilemma. You requested a video I just could, in no way, provide for you. So here is my question. Do you still want a video? I can send one. I even thought of some possible topics for it.

  • I could send you a video of me brushing my teeth. I don't think that's very sexy, but it is a personal act that isn't anyone else's business, so maybe it would meet your requirement.
  • I could send you a video of me doing something I enjoy, as I assume some people actually enjoy sex, and, as you imply, we slutty women enjoy it a lot. So, maybe a video of me eating or drinking coffee? I could send you a video of me playing Sims or listening to music. I could even sing along, which probably sounds as awkward and bad as most people do when they're having sex.
  • I could send you a video of me reading to you about PCOS.  It's not sexy at all, but, as it IS the reason I'd be taking the pills.  
  • I could make sock puppets of me and some imaginary man who doesn't annoy me but I still happen to find attractive and I could have the puppets have sex.  
See, I just don't know what you want here. For so many of us, birth control pills just aren't about sex. I know this sounds whacky, but the female reproductive system affects all kinds of aspects of our lives, from our skin to our pain levels to whether of not we can manage to make it through the day without horrible cramps.  I know all of that is a little bit more complex than just the idea of us being demandy things with hungry vaginae, but that is kind of the way things are.

I hope you respond soon so that we can get this handled. I know you, like Sally Brown, just want what is coming to you and your fair share of things. It's not like you're trying to punish women for wanting to have better access to birth control.

Of course not, because then you'd be sending us video of YOU having sex  .  . . and we'd all be forced to gouge out our eyes and set ourselves on fire to get the horror of that out of our minds.

Blackhaired Barbie.

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