Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cats in Summer Mode

During the winter, cats are easy pets. They sleep under blankets. They cuddle with you. They get really fluffy and plump. They want attention and affection. Best of all, when they sit on you, it helps you to battle the cold.

During the summer, cats are annoying snits. They want nothing to do with you. They get skinny and their fur looks weird. They lay in front of the AC and hiss when  you try to turn it off. Worst of all, in a constant effort to stay cool, they find the most annoying places they possibly can and sit there.

One of my cats thinks the bathroom is the coolest room in the house. Anytime I go in there to do my business, she's there, lounging somewhere. If you do anything on the toilet, she looks offended. If you turn on the water, she acts like you're threatening her. Worst of all, as soon as she realizes the door is closed, she starts howling like it will never open again and she's  trapped forever.

If she's not in the bathroom, she's trying to find comfort on a shelf. This rarely works out because she's clumsy and falls off of them. The other day, she fell off of the bottom shelf. It's so close to the floor she basically had to invent a new way of falling.

Later, she tried to lay on  the shelf next to me. My shelf is organized to use the space as best I can. At first, she was laying where I put my shoes. Then she was on top of where I store my meds. She tried to get on  the top shelf and I stopped her, but not before she dug her claws into the messenger bag I use to carry my tablet.

I get it. They're uncomfortable. Hell, I'm uncomfortable. When I first got cats, I was in a house with central air and it wasn't so bad. Regulating a 100-year-old house isn't easy on anyone. Still, they could at least TRY to be less annoying. They won't, but they could try.

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