Friday, June 24, 2016

Toxic State of Affairs

I had to be in  the hot van today and it sucked. However, it did make coming into the house, even without the AC on, seem pretty nice. The lawn was mowed today and weeds were handled. It's possibly hot enough and dry enough that lawn mowing won't be a major issue this year. We'll see.

Brexit happened and Britain will be leaving the EU. A lot of people are upset about this, but a lot are also very happy. I can see both sides. Britain benefitted from the EU in a lot of ways. And considering that the global economy is freaking out about this, clearly, the EU benefitted from Britain's participation.

However, just like with any relationship, there is a point to where the continual dissatisfaction and mutual bad feelings make the whole thing toxic. After a while, the toxicity outweighs any benefit. The EU kept adding more rules and regulations. Even if they were good for Britain in the long run, this wasn't what they signed up for. The people were complaining and angry.

And you know how it goes in a relationship. If the other person is constantly angry and unhappy and being dissatisfied with everything, you have to wonder why they're not leaving. If someone is that unhappy, they should just go away, consequences be damned.

Will this be the start of the end of the EU? Perhaps. It's also possible that the EU could use this shocker to take a good long look at what it's been doing and make some changes. At this point, no one knows what will happen.

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