Wednesday, June 8, 2016


I didn't blog last night because all the emotional nasty from the appointment finally caught up to me. I was kind of in a dark, frozen state for a few hours. I mean, I could function, but at a fairly shut down level. Tonight it's sticky and humid. I feel gross, but that's better than feeling emotionally broken.

On a happier note, I now have a bunch of new yarn! Much thanks to the friend who decided she didn't want it! I have projects more or less planned with most of it. It needs to be balled up. That will happen over the rest of the week.

There is a certain technique I want to do with some of the projects. I used my semi-fugue state last night to try and work on the technique, but so far, my mastery of it is about, well, what you would expect for someone of my limited abilities. I'm only grasping the smallest concept of it, but I'm sure with practice I'll get, well, not GOOD at it, but okayish at it.

I must truly love this hobby because I continue to pursue it even though I more or less suck!

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