Friday, February 9, 2018

Switch Discoveries

I continue to notice a lot of differences now that I'm presenting as a male on my game. I knew there would be some differences, just based on the fact that I'd had so many issues with people while playing as a girl. Most of those had to do with people bothering me in a romantic way, and as well all know, I am a conscientious objector to such matters. As the game has progressed, I've noticed a lot more stuff.

  • It is easier for me to function in multi-server situations. I can get the assistance I need just by asking. No one tells me no or tries to blow me off. 
  • I am always thanked for my help. Always. That certainly didn't happen before.
  • I am given a fun level of comradery with the opposing side on my server and always told we had a good battle.
  • I can speak in commands "Go do this." "Change that." and no one complains I'm being bossy. They realize I'm making suggestions and helping them.
Now, here's the thing, in my real actual life, I am very much used to having all of these things happen. Anyone who actually knows me and plays games with me will do so in an entertaining way, that I'll do my best to be good at my character, that I'll offer help to others. But online, without seeing me, without hearing my voice and my tone, I find that people get an idea of someone different. In a weird way, the actual me is being accepted with this male persona far more than it was with a girl one. That has very little to do with me and more to do with how people think about women. 

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