Friday, April 13, 2018

And Some Whenever They Go

There has been some drama in my game recently. One charm-impaired person was kicked out of another group and caused a scene in our common chat. He also had a persona in our group, that chimed in to defend the one causing problems. Soon he was fighting with everyone who was inclined to fight. I just ignored it and worked on my game. I'm not interested in other people's drama.

Unfortunately, I have some authority now, so another dramaphile informed me that if he did not get his way (other dude got kicked), then he would be leaving. I was really super more than okay with this because this one is just as obnoxious as the other one. So when he quit, I told him it was nice playing with him and went on with my day. When I talked to the other sensible person in the group, we both predicted this one would be back soon. It was less than two days.

He went to our guild leader and said he would return if the following conditions were met. The first was that Crazyhouse #1 was removed. This has since happened and Crazythehousedown is screaming revenge on us all. His second condition was that I am made the leader, as I am on more often than the current leader.

Honestly, I don't want any of this. I don't want Dramadude back. I really don't want to have to listen to Crazypants screaming in chat about his revenge. I most certainly do not want to be leader. I couldn't prevent the first two but I am going to do all I can to prevent the last.

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