Monday, April 2, 2018

Strength of the Pack

As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back;
For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack. -Kipling.

Basically every teacher in Oklahoma is on strike right now. They're not paid enough, the schools aren't funded, nothing is being repaired or replaced at any decent rate. They now stand in opposition to the legislature, GOP-heavy, who refuse to even consider doing the one thing they really NEED to do to fix our state. They need to raise taxes.

The 'leaders' are digging in their heels because they believe their party's philosophy that if they keep taxes low, they will attract businesses and jobs.This may work in some states, but it has not worked in Oklahoma. Businesses do not want to come here because the state has been so drained that it sucks. The roads are bad. The educational system is bad. Healthcare is bad.

They are missing the fundamental idea that the state IS the people. If they people have nothing, then the state has nothing. If the people are uneducated, sick, dying, homeless, hopeless, addicted, and lost, then this is what the state will be. If the people are poor, then this is what the state will be.

True leaders are able to admit they are wrong. True leaders are able to see problems and begin to look for solutions. True leaders work WITH their people, not in opposition to them. We need true leaders running this state.

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