Friday, April 20, 2018

In the Moment

I think one of the hardest things to do as a living being is to live in the moment. It's difficult to just focus on what is happening in the NOW and not worry about the future or dwell on the past. It's cliche to even say so, really, but it's true.

Our little cat Millie lives in the moment. She's always busy playing with something or running around. She spends time basking in the sun or wanting just the smallest acknowledgment. It's adorable and also sometimes annoying. I love her for it.

On Drag Race this week, Mayhem knew she was going home, but seemed so chill about it. She told the others that she'd spent so many years wanting to be on the show, but once she got there, she was just nervous and exhausted. Finally, on the week of this challenge, she'd started having fun and started really focusing on the moments of BEING on the show. It was okay that she left because she'd gotten so much out of it.

This is what we get. We get this lifetime. There are no rules as to how to live it. We didn't ask for it, but here we are, going through constant experiences and sensations. We might as well get as much out of them as we can.

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