Thursday, June 28, 2018


Kennedy is retiring from SCOTUS. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable and I am no exception. It's likely that Trump will stick an anti-choice person into Kennedy's seat. It's likely that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

I'm not fearful for myself. Clearly getting pregnant isn't an option for me anymore. I am, however, fearful for all the women and girls that I know. A lot of them have already had to make difficult choices where pregnancy was concerned and those choices will be taken from them.

Moreover, I'm heartbroken for all the kids who will be born unwanted.  I was born unwanted. My mother told me this infrequently and showed it to me often. My brother, almost six years younger than me, was born AFTER RvW was passed. She had a choice with him and she chose to give birth. The difference between how she treated him and how she treated me was vast.

I've struggled my whole life with this concept of not being wanted, of being a burden, of feeling like love couldn't and wouldn't be unconditional. It's been so nice to see kids born who weren't in that position. Even if American women are religious and opt out of birth control, they still know, on a fundamental level, that this is a CHOICE they are making. They are able to decide to do this. It isn't forced.

That could disappear. That could go away. It's horrible.

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