Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Update on Me

My foot continues to be painful and awful. It's slightly better than yesterday. It's like, if the pain yesterday was an 8, today, it's a 7.7 I'm saying 8 on the pain overall because I've heard people describe gout and I know my foot isn't at 10.

A little progress is better than no progress.

There has been no bruising. My foot is slightly swollen, but honestly, no more than it usually is. It hurts most when I lift my foot, move my leg backward, or put weight on it. It's not a fallen arch issue, because that would be lower and my arch looks fine. I can wiggle all my toes, though the littlest one isn't happy about it.

Other than that, I'm mostly just exhausted. The extra energy I have to put into just going to the bathroom is a lot. I'm trying to stretch out the foot as much as I can while sitting to keep it from stiffening up. I can also use the massager on it today, though some spots do not like it. That should help.

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