Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Better Day and Plans

It was hot today so I couldn't knit very much. The blanket is big and it's hard to work on it without it being on me. It's supposed to cool down though and that will give me some more time to try and finish it. I would love to be out from under this project.

The thing is, I don't hate the blanket. I rather love it. I just hate that it's taken me so long to finish it. Once it's completed, I need to work on covers for some decorative pillows in the same style so I can get rid of the rest of this yarn and also, have pillows to toss on the bed with the blanket. I have a vision, you know. It's changed over the months but it's there. It's gained more colors and more textures and I am fine with that. It suits me better.

The room also now has a tower fan. My awful, battered old box fan tended to fall and tries to fall apart and never really did that much. This will be better. I made sure to get one with a filter. In this house, trust me, you need them.

I still walk into my room and feel joy. This is the right direction.

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