Sunday, April 26, 2020

Reflections on Folding

Folding changed my life. There. I said it. Folding clothes, folding towels, altering my perspective on why I do this and what it means has changed an aspect of my life.

I used to never fold my clothes. Seriously. If I put them away at all (which was rare), I just pushed them into drawers with no folding. I didn't see the point.

I did fold the household towels, but it was, as I was taught to view everything connected to the house, a CHORE. It's something you do, don't enjoy, and try to get over with as quickly as possible.

Over the years, as my health has gone through various phases, folding the towels also happened with greater or lesser difficulty. Sometimes it wasn't so bad. After my last couple of falls and the damage sustained to my shoulders, it's been very painful. I dreaded it.

But this year, I have altered my perspective on folding. I now see it as a way to create harmony and good math to my space. When I touch the fabric, I try to connect to it, to feel like this is part of my life, part of my home. I focus on making the best folds I can, creating the perfect shape. Smooth edges, smooth surface. This is more about building the SKILL of folding and getting better at it than just 'doing it and getting it over with.'

When I'm finished, I feel accomplished. I'm happy. I know I did something to make my life better.

And as far as the pain is concerned, yeah, it's still there. However, it isn't as bad because I go slower with the task. Because I'm not trying to just get it over with, I am okay with taking breaks and waiting until I feel like moving again. So the task takes longer, but that's fine. This is so much better than it used to be.

Who knows, maybe in a couple of years, I'll view all chores this way. That would be good.

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