Wednesday, April 29, 2020


ZAR: Zombie Asshole Rule.

If you are in a zombie/apocalyptic situation and someone is being an asshole, shoot them. They will end up causing you more problems than the zombies, etc.

I mean, I knew ZAR was true in films, but it's astounding to see it play out in real life. We aren't even having to transverse the country looking for shelter while zombies chase us. Basically, the only things people had to do was stay clean, stay six feet apart if they went outside, shelter in place as much as possible, and mind their own business. Easypeasy.

And yet . . . .

The amazing thing is that the assholery is so varied. We have Karens who are patrolling their neighborhoods in their SUVs, berating anyone they see outside, and then calling the police. We have people who are angry (ANGRY) they are being told simple medical advice like, wear a mask and stay away from others. These people are protesting. We have people who can't seem to handle staying in a house with the family they created 24/7 and are making everyone miserable. We have people trying to sell snakeoil cures. We have people claiming this is a hoax. We have people posting memes right and left about how this is really secret (insert confirmation bias).

Seriously. There are a LOT of assholes.

I mean, I'm not advocating we shoot all of these people. I am just saying I am astonished at the level of asshole out there. I suppose I shouldn't be, but I really am.

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