Monday, May 4, 2020

Making Lemonade

I watch this Youtuber who is a style expert. I don't usually like her style, but I love her philosophy and general ideas. Actually, I think it's a good idea to watch people when you don't really like their style. When you see things they do that you actually respond to in a positive way, it informs you about what is really key to your own personal aesthetic.

Recently, she'd done some things with her business that I find really impressive. With lockdown going on, she can't exactly go over to people's houses and redecorate for them. This means a loss of funding and also a loss of content for her channel. She found a way around it, a very unique way. She started remotely giving style advice. People would film their rooms and ask her what to do about them. She would assess the room, show an inspiration board, and give them advice. This means she can still make content for the channel.

Then she took it a step further. She took on some clients who were willing to do the physical work of the redecorating and film the process. What she did was analyze their space, design a mood board, and give them a list of items to purchase (and the places these items are found). Now she has active clients AND content for her channel.

I'm so impressed with how well some people have been able to rally in the midst of this pandemic. This woman has found a way to keep working and keep helping people, even when she can't be there physically. Genius.

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