Monday, June 28, 2021

Outrage over Ignorance

Recently, I saw someone complaining because they were going to explore homosexual themes in Dorian Gray. They claimed this was the "gay agenda" and bemoaned that the purity of the character wasn't being presented. 

Basically everyone, with any sense and a smattering of knowledge of the novel, the character, and the author of said novel called them out on it. 

And then I saw that people were outraged that Disney's Loki was shown as being bi/pansexual. 


Loki. I mean, three seconds of looking up the myths about Loki and you realize he could have/would have banged just about anything.

This evening I watched some guy complaining about Amazon's adaptation of JRRT's work. His complaints were that the show would probably be full of Game of Thrones type violence and ideas and that this just wasn't Tolkien. And it isn' least, it isn't unless you remember that the Amazon show is set in the earlier ages of Arda, where it kind of WAS like Game of Thrones. If they go back as far as the Noontide, we even literally have someone scheming to make a royal family go to war over their own throne. We have massacres. We have kinslayings. We have all the same levels of darkness and hell that you see in Game of Thrones. To get The Silmarillion right, you would have to theme it closer to Game of Thrones. It's a far, far darker book than Tolkien's earlier works. 

My guess is that this person, like the other people bemoaning the cultural decay of things that assume they understand, has no clue what they're talking about and just reacts to things before understanding them.

Now. Do I have concerns about the Amazon series? Oh yes. Many. Well, mostly one and it concerns them making Mairon/Annatar/Sauron fabulous enough.  

But with a budget that size, surely they can get mah boi some good wigs. Surely.

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