Monday, March 7, 2011

The Downward Spiral

One of the reasons I'm glad I'm blogging is because I know my memory is slowly but surely packing up and moving far, far away.  I won't say I notice this every day, not yet, at least. It is happening though.

I kind of want to blame this on technology. Back in Ye Olden Days when we still had phones hooked to the walls, I had tons of numbers memorized.  My friends, my family, places around town, all with in easy access of my brain. Now? Now, I'm lucky if I can remember my OWN phone number.  While I'm sure a lot of this has to do with being older, I try to just pretend it's because my phone makes me lazy. My phone, of course, now has all the numbers to friends, family, and places I need to call, leaving me free to just push buttons and forget things.

I'm not going to rail against the tech though. It certainly has its advantages.  For instance, it's helpful to put the numbers of people you don't want to talk to in your phone. That way, when they call, you can easily avoid them.  And there is nothing wrong with that.  I have this policy that I do not have to answer the phone or the door just because someone wants me to. Okay, unless it was the police, but you get the idea. No one else.

I also like the phone because I put the number to call when the power goes out on it.  Heh! I still feel great about this one.  No more fumbling around in the almost pitch blackness and cussing as I try to hold a flashlight while keeping the page of the phone book open and trying to dial at the same time.

Most of the time though, there is no technology to blame for my failing memory.  Changed my FB profile picture to my Siouxsie concert poster a few days ago and my best friend asked me what year she got it for me.  I had absolutely no clue so I started trying to logic back over the years to figure it out.  I knew she was living with her parents and hadn't started her second college degree, but everything else about the instance was hazy.  I offered a guess, but not based on real memory of the event.

So as I said, I'm glad I'm blogging now, so even if I forget what was actually going on in 2011 and beyond, at least I can go back and read about it.  It's also one of the reasons I occasionally write posts about things from my past. It's a good way to hold on to whatever tangible bits I still possess.

I'm sneaky though, so there is always the possibility that Now Me may decide to troll Future Me and start writing a bunch of crap that never happened, just for the lulz of knowing I won't remember the difference. I can just see it, me 40 years from now, going back through my blogs to see what was happening during this decade and finding stuff like this:

"Yeah, in 2014, that's when the aliens came down and brought you onto their ship.  You spent the next two years with them and even fell in love with one. You didn't know if you could breed or not, but he was a scientist and he found a way.  Once your baby was born on the planet Xzzallgabritzz, you were both hailed as the Adam and Eve of a new dawning for peace in the universe. But then his rivals decided to punish you both and sent you back to Earth, leaving him to raise your six half alien babies."

Then I'll be the crazy old woman, wheeling around the rest home and telling everyone about how the aliens took my six babies.  Of course, that might mean I get better psych meds. If not that, at least maybe I'll be spared the Solient Green tanks.

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